Friday, September 01, 2006


A little slow (!!) in updating (sorry Lynn and Si). Got back from our holiday in Wells, England and we had a very enjoyable time especially Tom. The christening was just as we expected if not better. Weather was wonderful and we enjoyed our friends' company.

After the Christening service...

Tom certainly enjoyed the company of Luca Fricker (only days younger than T, our friends Geoff and Gemma's son) and Lenka Carter (1yr8mths - James' cousin Kirsty's daughter). Kirsty stood in for Tom's godmother, Shirley, who couldn't make it to the christening.


and Lenka

The pic below is of us after the Christening with the Rev. Goodman, Simon Hoskins (Godfather), Lenka and Kirsty, and Grandma and Grandpa.

With Grandpa (Grandma was very busy so did not get to take pic with her!) inside the church and with daddy (below) outside

Pics Below: With Godfather then Si looking very comfortable. With Matt and Michelle - thank you Matt for taking the video at Church. Pics below are of Tom with his Great Grandpa Harold and his christening cake.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

my little smile bringer

My cousin Amanda's 20th birthday today - can't believe how fast they are all growing up. Tom with the birthday girl and with Moing and Godmother Shirley and second cousin Heather.

I think Tom knows he's being photographed now - look at his pose and those smiles? More pic of him in action:

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Tom now has his Malaysian passport so we are ready for our hols in the UK at the end of the month - we can't wait as a holiday is very much needed. His sixth teeth, though has already cut his gum, is taking forever to grow so not sure what's happening there but there is no shortage of biting my shoulders.

Have I mentioned that he is a fast crawler now? And since our visit to our friend Celine's house so he can play with kids similar his age, he has discovered the joys of playing with things on wheels so this morning J got his remote control car out and it was a hit. Tom was chasing the car around the apartment!

Baby Einstein videos are also very much his interest these days and is mostly that he's allowed to watch on TV. Favourite at the moment is Baby MacDonald and in particular the hand puppets.

House - Basically it's progressing but in a little slower pace than anticipated. The outside wall paints are on and work on the flooring has started. As you can see the windows are in too though think they will only install the sliding glass doors when the floor tiles have been installed.

Friday, May 19, 2006


Wonderful news this week - my sister and Vijay have decided it's time to tie the knot so their engagement will take place in Sept this year. My mum is happy as can be expected and Lynn, over the moon, has set herself planning for the big day and as I am in KK and she in Dubai, I will be helping out with the organising. Another celebration to look forward to. [Pic: Tom with Aunty Lynn earlier this year].

At our home there hasn't been much going on. J busy as usual at work and T has caught the flu bug. You'd think that he would be a little quieter than usual but no my son thinks his voice is the best thing ever so has been shouting (and VERY loud too) quite a bit just to make sure we agree. Not sure if it's the medication but T is now sleeping through the night which is brilliant. Couldn't quite believe it. The first night this happened we were told that there was a bad storm - apparently one of the worst KK has experienced - but neither one of us heard it! Out like a log all three.

More pics of Tom...

Saturday, May 06, 2006


My sister Lynn has just moved in to her condo in PJ which she is sharing with her partner Vijay and my brother-in-law Matt and his partner Michelle have just bought a very nice house in London. M&M are moving in soon I should think and us - well our house is almost completed. The plumbing work is in progress this week - finally after 3 weeks! - though it doesn't look like it's getting on very fast. I still have high hopes that we can move in by end of June beginning of July but John thinks that it'll be August.

This is how the house currently looks like. Once the plumbing is done the ceiling will be completed and then the tiles go in then the bathrooms' WC and sinks and then paint... well sounds like a lot more to be done but I'm still hopeful.

The workman whom you can just about see in the pic told me that there are loads of snakes coming out of the back wall at night - frightful! The developer has told me that they will spray sulphur to get rid of them and supposedly spraying the wall with garlic water will keep them away too - well whatever it is you can be sure that they will be gone before we move in. But back to where I started - it's nice that everyone's settling in so to speak.

T' s third tooth has just cut his gum today - upper left! Quite fast but I guess there's no stopping them coming once the first has popped out.

James installed Tom's new car seat this week and he was very happy to be facing the same way as everyone as you can see.

He has been practicing his standing up moves this week and has started to walk with our help - not steady yet. Gave him some egg plant in his food the other day much to my mum's disapproval - not good if he has rashes it seems but he has none and had none since so I'm not feeling so bad - best to get him to try as many vegies as poss. Loves red pepper.

We have been lucky with him having no bouts of allergies and illness so far. Probably strong as an ox like his dad. Lots of fresh air should do the trick - Sue will agree to that. Even a bit of drizzle is no harm I think but that's me.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

To begin with...

My cat is staring at the PC as I write - good ol' Mia pie (her name is Mia but James (my husband) added pie to rhyme with sweetie pie so the name has stuck along with Mimi and Mi Pea - my loyal friend). Tom has finally fought off his fever with the help of Neurofren and paracetamol. It has been a tiring few days (not to mention all the worry) what with rushing to a 24hr clinic in the wee hours of the morning yesterday (mad! but I fear that this will be ordinary thing for parents certainly for us I think) when T's temp was over 39C and the crying last night but all is well after this evening - quite a fighter my boy is.

This is T. He is now in his cot sound asleep and J has just gone after deciding that he can't keep up with the Liverpool and Chelsea match.

And Mia has left now - decided the typing is boring and has gone off to hunt me a cicak I hope or off to her bed in the spare room.

S&J (my in-laws, Sue and John) were here the last couple of weeks and we had a break with them, spent mostly at STAR and Rasa Ria - wonderful to just lie (under the shade for me but nonetheless..) sun with nothing in mind but the book I was reading, wondering what to have for lunch and what fun T was going to have swimming at 5pm.... Anyway, had a good time and can't wait to be with them again in 3 months' time.

I have decided to get a helper to clean the house on a part time basis - why refuse help when you don't have to and besides T requiring more and more attention (a valid reason I think to get help). The truth of the matter is I need the help - it's almost chaos the apartment. Hopefully this lady Neela is the right candidate - meeting her next week.

Time for bed now.