My friend Joyce has been asking me to update so here goes.... Fortunately I have no horrible stories to tell - no constant puking, no dislikes, no complaints. I have however been going a little too ga-ga over multigrain (specifically and not white) toasts with lots of butter and honey. I am also thankful that I am not in KK as I think I would've doubled my weight by now and would look close to resembling me pregnant with Tom. I recall rather vividly Simon Hoskins saying I was as big as a buffalo then...DO NOT want to look like that again! [Pic: 5 months pregnant, 118 days to go]
Amcare Women & Children's Hospital in Lido, Beijing is the choice venue to welcome my daughter into this world. I have only just started going there for my prenatal check-ups having previously gone to Beijing Vista Clinic. Unfortunately Vista don't do deliveries so after some research I found Amcare which coincidently is less than 10mins away from our new apartment and offers much better facilities than Vista at a much more reasonable price.
Issues with this pregnancy: blood tests. Acccording to Amcare prenatal care schedule you are required to have a total of 8 blood tests between weeks 12 and 40. They either take from your arm (5 times) or do capillary blood testing (prick your finger). I have issues with needles and although this has improved tremendously over the years I still am uncomfortable with them. As I am new to Amcare my next appointment may require a blood test - which will make it my fourth test this pregnancy. Didn't even have one when I was expecting Tom so I feel a little overwhelmed with the tests. You tell them your blood type and rhesus type and they tell you they need to have a record of it presumably via their own lab test that what you say is of course, true. Perhaps this is the same in other parts of the world... Anyway, all is going well with baby. She is healthy and is developing as expected. She's quite active and is now quite sensitive to J's, T's and my voice. Think she even enjoys the stories we read to Tom at bedtime as there is a lot of wriggling going on in my belly. Tom knows he's having a sister and would, every now and again, say good morning to her and would kiss my belly and say "hi, baby" which is always nice to see. [Pic: First glimpse. 3D scan at 14 weeks old
Have started stocking up on her clothes. Went to Yashow market (Jatt this is where I got your bag) the other day and when you are confronted with so many choices it's quite hard to resist especially when they are so affordable. Going again in a couple of weeks time to bring my Dutch friend Dolly there so she could stock up for her baby girl due in mid June. My mum, who'll be here for a month from mid-July) is helping me bring over some of T's baby stuff so I need not stock up much but who can resist buying these pretty little body suits!
Next appointment is 9th April when I'll be 24 weeks. Fingers crossed blood test not required!
Friday, April 04, 2008
My pregnancy...
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I hate blood test esp when pregnant, coz being sensitive to everything....hish isk iskk...
Hey--I just did a search on AmCare and found your blog. I'm 8 weeks myself, and currently trying to choose a facility for prenatal as well as L&D in BJ. I wonder if you know of any others who've actually given birth at AmCare? My research so far really has only yielded feedback for prenatal checks. Thanks! Kim in TJ
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